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Selectmen Minutes 09/15/2009
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
September 15, 2009

Members present:  Stephen MacCleery, Jeffrey Jordan, Richard DeBold
Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Gil Vien,  Jim Plunkett, Michele Plunkett, Barbara Frangione, Thomas Houle, Richard Holloran, Donna Chagnon, Karen Lingner, Holly MacCleery, Patrick Clarke, and John Martell
Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00PM.

Department Heads
Police: Mr. Clarke reported that the police department will be participating in training at Coe Brown Academy on October 14th between the hours of 11:00 – 3:00. There will be free seasonal flu shots available as part of the training.  The flu shots are in limited supply and are on a first come first serve basis.
Mr. Clarke has been looking at the accidents on Route 4.  He would like the State to consider lowering the speed limit to 45 on Route 4.  Mr. Clarke will put together statistics for use in a letter to the State.

Highway: Mr. Plunkett has a meeting on Thursday with CLD on Perry Brook Road.  While doing work on Hutchinson Road the highway crew spotted several tractor trailer trucks coming through that road.  Mr. Plunkett believes that is where the trucks are coming from and then continuing and going out Cross Road.  Mr. Plunkett will speak with the Town of Pembroke about putting up signage at the beginning of Hutchinson Road for no thru-trucking.   Mr. MacCleery stated that we could post the roads that are in Chichester if we feel the trucks are causing damage.
Mr. Plunkett sent letters to all who applied for the Highway Department Opening.
Mr. Plunkett has received the OK from DES to go ahead with the Davis’ property.   
The Highway dept. scraped down the corner of Kelley Corner and Pleasant Street.  Mr. Plunkett has plans to move the stop sign out 3 or 4 ft, slope the bank, and cut shrubs to open up the area.
The highway dept. has started to ditch Pleasant Street
Mr. Plunkett is not recommending going ahead with the roof on the sander shed at this time.  The engineering estimate was too high.  He is exploring other options.

Fire Dept:  The students will start working on the ceiling tiles and painting the front of the station.  Mr. Vien reports we have a great group of students.  

ZBA:  Mrs. MacCleery reported that the ZBA meeting scheduled for Sept. 30th has been changed to Sept. 23rd.  

Other Business

Budget:  Mrs. Tanner will ask the Budget Committee to attend the Selectmen’s meeting on September 22nd at 7:00pm.  Mr. MacCleery would like to see a schedule worked out with the Budget Committee to alleviate as many late nights as possible.  

Guidelines for General Assistance: Mr. MacCleery made a motion to adopt the Welfare Guidelines for 2009/2010.   Mr. Debold Seconds – motion passes.  The Selectmen signed the guidelines.

Non-Public Minutes:  Pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II (a - i), a motion was made by Mr. Debold and seconded by Mr. MacCleery to enter into non-public session at 7:35 for review of non-public meeting minutes.  A roll call vote was taken:  MacCleery – Yea, Jordan –Yea, DeBold – Yea.  Motion passes.

Pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 III, a motion was made by Mr. MacCleery and seconded by Mr. DeBold to permanently seal the minutes of the non-public session.  A roll call vote was taken:  MacCleery – Yea, Jordan – Yea, DeBold – Yea.  Motion passes.

Pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II, a motion was made by Mr. MacCleery and seconded by Mr. DeBold to exit the non-public session at 8:10pm.  A roll call vote was taken:  MacCleery – Yea, Jordan – Yea, DeBold – Yea.  Motion passes.

The non-public minutes of January 17, 2006, August 14, 2007, and August 21, 2007 are now declared unsealed.

Cross Road:  An email was received from Tom Jameson regarding a property on Cross Road indicating a possible change of use.  He is also concerned about safety with the logging trucks on such a narrow road.  Richard Debold said he was mistaken last week when he said the Planning Board would be sending the Selectmen a letter regarding this issue.  Mr. Debold would like a letter from the Selectmen to the business in question regarding the apparent change in use.  Mrs. Tanner will draft a letter.

EEE Health Alert:  Mr. Debold brought up the fact that Chichester has been added to the Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) public health threat list.  He was concerned that people may not be aware of this.  Mr. Debold asked Mrs. Tanner to have the two relevant press releases from DHHS listed on our website.  He also asked that both the Town Office and the Fire Department make note of an EEE alert on their outdoor sign boards and for more information go to  Mr. Holloran asked about putting money into next year’s budget for spraying.  There was discussion about spraying and how much it would cost.  The consensus seems to be that if it is on the warrant the people can decide if they want it.  

Abatement:  Mr. MacCleery made a motion to grant an abatement in the amount of $700.00 in assessed value, 16.35 in tax plus 1.77 interest on map 4 lot 26 or 141 Dover Road for the tax year 2007.  Mr. DeBold seconded the motion – motion carries.

Trash clean up: Mr. Jordan reports that the trash has been taken care of.  The Selectmen wish to thank Bud Mayville, Chris Weir, and Jeff Jordan for their help.

Food Pantry:  Mrs. Chagnon reported that members of the Community Action Team came in to inspect the food pantry and they were very pleased.  The shelving provided great visibility of the items and it had a good visual.  Mrs. Chagnon also wanted to remind the Selectmen that she still has a small chest freezer at her house that belongs to the food pantry.  We have no where to store it right now, but Mrs. Chagnon would like to hang on to the freezer for future use by the food pantry.   

Pound Road:  Mr. Plunkett had an inquiry from a resident as to the decision of the Board of Selectmen regarding gating Pound Road dating back to 1998 or 1999.  Vehicles are really deteriorating the road making it difficult for a handicapped resident to get around.  Ms. Tanner will research the minutes.  Mr. MacCleery suggested putting up a sign that the road is closed or that the road is not maintained.  Mr. Plunkett will put up signage.

Letter to the Editor:  In reference to a Letter to the Editor that appeared in the Sun, Mr. MacCleery would like to clarify that he did give his opinion on the Health Officer issue, but did not vote.  The other two Selectmen voted; Mr. MacCleery did not vote as he was not present for that portion of the meeting.  Mr. MacCleery called the Town Administrator earlier that day and relayed his opinion through her as a neutral party.  Mr. MacCleery wanted to make clear that nothing underhanded had occurred.  
Accounts payable and payroll were approved in the amount of $36,732.72

The minutes of September 8, 2009 were approved as written.

A motion by Mr. Jordan and seconded by Mr. MacCleery to adjourn the meeting at 8:45pm.  Motion passes.

A motion by Mr. MacCleery and seconded by Mr. DeBold to reopen the meeting at 8:45pm to discuss the Town Office copying charges.  Noting that no one had left since the adjournment, the meeting was reopened.

Copying Fees:  The Town Office has recently had requests for photocopied information.  Mr. MacCleery feels that residents have the right to the information; however, all requests for photocopies should be subject to our photocopying charges.  The current charge for an 8 ½ X 11 copy is fifty cents per page.  Ms. Tanner will survey other Towns to see if our charges are similar to what other Towns are charging.  

Driveway Permits:  Mr. Plunkett brought it to the Selectmen’s attention that he feels a $15.00 fee for a driveway permit is too little.  Ms. Tanner will work with Mr. Pike to find out the correct procedure for changing that fee.

A motion by Mr. Jordan and seconded by Mr. MacCleery to adjourn the meeting at 8:53.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

                                                                           Approved as written
Nancy Tanner

____________________________    ___________________________     __________________________
Stephen MacCleery, Sr., Chairman        Jeffrey Jordan                          Richard DeBold